What is in a Name:A note about node names in your experiment

Before we start an experiment, let me clarify something about resource names in GENI. When you reserve your resources, you will see two names in your network graph. One name is on the resource picture, and the second one is right next to it. See picture below:


The name next to the resource, for example PC522.emulab.net is the name you use to connect to that virtual machine from outside the GENI network i.e., from your desktop or laptop when using ssh. The name that is on the picture which is VM-4 for PC522 is the one you will use in your experiment scripts that runs inside GENI. This makes a big difference so please understand the difference and make a note of it. If you use the external name in your experiment scripts and commands, you will find that regardless of how you draw the graph, all your nodes selected from the same GENI aggregate (in this case emulab) are directly connected to each other i.e., they belong to the same subnetwork. For all practical purposes, your experiment will use the internal names and IP addresses.

The internal names are user configurable. Depending on your experiment needs, you can change the internal names by clicking on the on the node and editing the name on the next screen as shown below.


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